At Lamberhurst St Mary’s School, History is taught as a discrete subject, across Key Stage 1 & 2. This provides our pupils with the opportunity to immerse themselves in periods of time and history, giving them a ‘rich dialogue with the past and with the traditions of historical enquiry’ (Ofsted 2021).
Our curriculum plans use the expert knowledge of Collins Connected History, which matches the primary history curriculum, through enquiry-based learning.
Each Unit of study is carefully crafted into a termly plan of lessons, which identifies both the Substantive and Disciplinary Knowledge, within this subject. Each year group studies three History Topics per academic year.
Our aim is to inspire our pupils’ curiosity, to know more about the past and to equip them with the skills to ask questions, think critically, weigh evidence and to develop their own perspectives on the different historical periods that they study.
Pupils in EYFS Reception Class develop their understanding of History, initially through their own personal lives and experiences and of those around them.
Pupils at the Old School in 1951 and 1953
Learning opportunities aim to enrich and widen the children’s vocabulary and are presented through pictures, stories, artefacts and accounts from the past which explain similarities and differences.
Hands-on experiences, such as visits to our village and visiting speakers, help to deepen children’s understanding of basic chronology, recognising that things happened before they were born. Stories also include a focus on the lives of both women and men, who have helped to shape or change our world.
Planning in EYFS is crafted carefully to prepare pupils for their transition to Key Stage 1.
Egyptians Day | Romans Day |